Yes, it is April 29th and I am watching flakes fall from the sky. Curled up on the couch with fire in the wood stove, a cup a Chai tea next to me and my grandmother's afghan in my lap, it is safe to say I am making the best of it! Days like this are for editing, ordering prints and chatting it up with friends I hope to see soon! As depressing as this weather threatens to be, at least we are not
I hope you enjoy the new site. I still like my site, but I wanted to make one that focused ONLY on my equine photography. Horses are a passion. I have grown so much as a person during these past 7 years of being a horse owner, and 2 (yes only, 2) years of photographing them professionally. I have been places I never imaged I would have the chance to be. Beautiful places where I met wonderful people I now call friends. #feelingblessed
On another note, this never ending winter struck again. We woke up to over a foot of snow this morning. Is this our new normal? I have heard it may just be. I really don't mind too much. I know come mid-July when the humidity and bugs are at their worst I will be dreaming of a day like today! During the last snow storm I hopped in the truck and Emmylou by First Aid Kit was playing and the first words I heard were 'Stockholm's cold but I was told I was born to endure this kind of weather'. Well this isn't Stockholm but there can't be too much difference this year...hell, Stockholm is probably warmer! I took it as a sign that I can handle whatever winter decides to throw at me. I am NW Wisconsin girl and I WAS born to endure this kind of weather! I am going to pour a cup of tea and curl up on the couch and enjoy the snowflakes as they fall. Xo |
March 2018
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